Ministry and Calling
From 1990 through March of 2013, I worked in a corporate environment, first at LifeWay Christian Resources and then at Salem Publishing. However, the most significant and defining event in my life was my calling to ministry when I was a junior in high school. Throughout my professional life I have been blessed to pursue various ministries in both churches and corporate environments. I have not always been faithful to my calling, but God has always been faithful to me.
Regardless of my professional or vocational status, my calling is what drives my life. I enjoy preaching and teaching the Bible and am particularly gifted in biblical exegesis. My years at LifeWay have created in me an “educator’s heart.” That is, I believe the church has an important role to play in discipling followers of Jesus; and that role should be pursued strategically, tactically and aggressively.
I’ve been blessed to have been able to participate in ministry at varying levels. I’ve served the local church as a pastor, youth minister and worship leader. I’ve served at the denominational level as both a board member and agency employee. I’ve engaged in both local and international mission projects and have led training conferences at the local and national level.
In recent years I have served as an interim pastor while managing operations at Salem Publishing, a publicly traded, faith-based publishing company. Currently I am self-employed and pursuing my calling through publishing, preaching, and teaching. I believe God has called me now to help churches teach His story to successive generations. As I face the future, I’m anxious to invest the remaining years of my life in service to the Church and God’s Kingdom.
My prayer is that I will live honorably before God in order to be used by Him to the fullest in whatever capacity He chooses. People are important. The Church is important. Time is important. However He chooses to use me, this prodigal is available and eager to invest wisely in His purposes.